
Thank You.

Easter Sunday this year could not have been more perfect! We started the morning off at the 9:00 ward. We were able to listen to our friend give her farewell talk. She did such a great job talking about the Savior and the Atonement. I know she is going to be an amazing missionary in California. After her talk, we went to our ward to listen to my sister give her homecoming talk. I may be her sister, but her talk was amazing! The spirit was so strong and it was so nice to hear her stories of great faith and her love for our Savior. Following after church, we stayed for a baptism of a new convert. My family did not know Dynetta before her baptism. She has an amazing conversion story and I am so happy I was able to meet her and be there for her on her special day.  The light in her eyes and the smile on her face was a true sign in itself of how amazing this gospel really is. It changes lives! That evening we had the missionaries come over for dinner. Seriously, it was so great! We laughed, told stories and had a missionary lesson. During the lesson we each told our favorite scripture in the Book of Mormon. It was cool hearing what scriptures were our favorites and the story behind each scripture.

After the missionaries left, my family and I watched a slide show of the pictures of Courtney’s mission. During the slide show we could not stop smiling and laughing. We were just all so happy. The real kind of happy! The day came to and end and this Easter it wasn’t about coloring eggs or an Easter basket or even an Easter egg hunt. It was about the Savior. It was about love and service. It was about family.

The Lord blessed my family with a day that we will always hold dear to our hearts. A day when we felt so blessed and were able to forget about the world and just loose ourselves in the Gospel. I am so grateful for the Savior. I am so grateful for the Atonement. I am so grateful for the sacrifice he made. I am grateful for my family and the knowledge I have to know I will be with them for eternity. I feel so blessed! Thank You, Heavenly Father.