
Bucket List

A while back I wrote up my very first bucket list… well I couldn’t tell you where that thing went… So I have decided to come up with a new one! These are just some of the things I want to make sure to cross off!    

1. Go Skydiving
2. Take a trip to Australia
3. Have my very own Photography Studio
4. Go Skinny Dipping in the Ocean
5. Learn to Paint
6. Learn how to Play the Piano
7. Work on a Cruise Ship for a Summer
8. Get Married and Sealed to my future husband in the Hawaii Temple
9. Have 5 kids
10. Two of which MUST be twins! J
11. Have a family of my own one day
12. Write music
13. Be a Mission Presidents Wife
14. Live in a Foreign Country with Husband
15. Fulfill my childhood dream of working in a Payless Shoe Store! Ha!
16. Be a Flight Attendant
17. Learn how to cook very well
18. Live in Arizona