
For a while now I have become somewhat of a hermit crab. I have become that girl who would not mind staying on the coach on a Friday night watching a movie with her roommate. Okay- there is nothing wrong with be comfortable with life but heck- I use to be so daring and adventurous. Sky diving was on my bucket list. Bridge jumping was on my daily to do list. Talking to random people was a must and eating anything- loved the challenge. Guys- I think I am realizing that I have become a lot more…. Umm let’s just say boring.

Lately my boringness has caught up to me and I have been feeling a little in the crazy mood. I said to my roommate tonight-
“Kate- lets do something crazy!”
Her response was in pure excitement with the words:
“I have sidewalk chalk.”
Let’s be honest- if sidewalk chalk was the extent of doing something crazy- man I think everyone would bore themselves. Don’t get me wrong- sidewalk chalk is super fun but when that’s one of your options of being crazy - hmmmmm.

So while being on this little streak of wanting to do something crazy- I saw this picture.

Wouldn’t that be so sick if you could just pack up everything you owned into a little bag and go somewhere you had never been before. I seriously am considering it. A vacation with my self would be amazing. Reality- a girl of 5’3 and 120lbs would not survive on her own in a foreign country. I said I wanted to be adventure though right? Maybe that’s not the same as being naive.

I have looked into doing things on my off track though this winter. Like teaching English for 6 months in Russia… how freaking cool huh?! All for only 12 hundred dollars. That sounds like something pretty adventurous.

While I try to find things to get myself more daring again… I hope you have an amazing week!!