
Lately I have been feeling like I’m kind of misplaced. I feel like I am trying to figure out a million things all in my first semester back in school and I just kind of feel like an odd ball. It’s hard getting out of a serious relationship and trying to figure out life, while figuring out yourself then figuring out sharing a room with a stranger and then add the stresses of school. It’s hard but I know I need to go through it.

Since I live in a town that is centered around getting married… it makes it so hard to look past it. It’s everywhere! Just a week ago, a girl ran around my complex screaming, “I love being engaged!!!”  

So I prayed to the Lord the other night that I could just make friends really easily. I have never had that problem before but I have really held back and I just rather be alone sometimes but I know I need to get out there and meet people. So the Lord as amazing as he is, has answered my prayer. I have met so many people and I am so grateful for friendships.

Guys. Hmmmm they don’t really wanna be my friend. Ha! It’s so funny because they say oh yeah I wanna be friends too but when they never talk to you again… oh you know they were thinking otherwise. It’s hilarious. I have a text that I send to any guy who asks me to hang out that pretty much just says, nope sorry, not dating this semester but we can be friends and I’m sure they hate it but I really don’t need any of that for a while!

Besides that, I am very grateful to have friends and friendships. It feels so nice to have a group of people that we can just all hang out together. This is what college is supposed to be. I am so happy with how this semester is going!