
I am sure Heavenly Father is very confused. He must have thought that I fell off the face of the earth due to how distant we have become over the months. I look at how his hand is in my day to day activities. How he is blessing me each and every day and it’s like that text message you just never respond too. You receive it, read it then push it off and say oh ill get to that later. Heavenly Father – why have I put you on the back burner?!

This past week, I was having a hard day and thought to just go to the MC and do some homework alone. When I got there, I will admit I wished I could have been somewhere much better but it was a place to get away… somewhat anyway. Well no more than five minutes later, I was approached by an adorable couple. They explained to me that they needed a huge favor from me. They were about to go on a double date and the guy who was suppose to meet up with them – his date backed out last minute. They had already bought tickets and just needed someone to come with them and go with this guy.  So my fancy little self in my jeans, messy bun on the top of my head and BYU-Idaho gym shirt grabbed my stuff and headed with them to the show. I will admit- I really wanted to see this show and was pretty excited. The guy ended up being a sweetheart and I had fun. After the show, I walked back up to the MC and I just was feeling so happy. It wasn’t even like what happened or meeting those people was what made my night- it was because I knew the Lord knew that was exactly what I needed that night. He knew I was having a hard time and did something as simply as placing those people in my direction to make my night better.

Things happen in my life that I know was the Lord reminding me of how mindful he is of me. He reminds me daily that even when I may forget about him- he never forgets about me. He’s that person who send you text over and over even when you don’t respond- he never leaves- its way of showing me just how much he truly loves us. Its amazing.